📈Vault Rebalancing

There are 2 types of vault in Shprd protocol:

  • Shprd's official vaults

  • Community's vaults

Shprd's official vaults

Shprd's official vaults are rebalanced by automated strategies using artificial intelligence. Once a day, the algorithm decides on the vault's asset allocation and rebalances it if necessary. To learn more about the strategies of the vaults, go to the mirror page of each vault:

Vault NameMirror Link

BTC AI Long Daily

ETH AI Long Daily

BTC/ETH AI Long Daily

BNB AI Long Daily

Community's vaults

The strategies of the Community vaults can be automated or not, depending on the trader's preferences. For each vault, it is therefore important to consult the vault's mirror page for information on the strategy.

Last updated